False Prophet

In this blog post, we will discuss why Muhammad is a false prophet using some scenarios.

First read Quran 69:43 (saheeh international) Allah says that if Muhammad impute his words or say false things about Allah he will grab Muhammad with his right hand and will cut his aorta.

Now read this incidence where Muhammad associated Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat to Allah. And Muhammad prostrate to these idols along with his followers and quraysh people. Muhammad himself acknowlege that he fabricated false things against Allah.I have discussed about this incident detailed in Satanic Verses.

Muhammad said: "I have fabricated things against God and have imputed to Him words which He has not spoken"

Now read Quran: 4:48 (saheeh international) where Allah says that Allah will not forgive association with him ever, but may forgive anything less than that. i.e the unforgivable sin in Islam is shirk (associating others with Allah) 

What happens next is that in the death bed, Muhammad said he feels like his "aorta is being cut" in Sahih al-Bukhari 4428 . Indeed, Allah will be the one cut aorta of a prophet who claims flase things about him.

Also read Muhammad's Death.

I will add more references to this post...

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