Muhammad's Father

In this post we will discuss about the Father of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.

Let's first read an ayath of the Quran 13:8

Allah in this ayah claims that pregnancy can very from a short period of time to a long period of time.

Now let's read the Tafsir of this ayah. Read Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs

Now we will see Qurtubi's Tafsir on 13:8

See Aisha, Al-shafi'l, Al-Zuhri all claims pregnancy can go upto 2 to 4 years. Why are they claiming like this?

You can read fatwas regarding this: Fatwa No: 76300 from

This is also discussed by other scholars in website (answer: 140103)

Why am I showcasing all these...?

I will tell that... Before that we need to see some other references.

So who was this Hamzah? It can be found in 2 pages above the same book: Kitab At Tabaqat Al Kabir Ibn Sa'd vol-3 p-2: Translated by Aisha Bewley

Hamza is also uncle of Muhammad. So this uncle Hamza of Muhammad is just 4 years older than Muhammad.

Now when we look at Muhammad's parents you can get information about it on same book on page 1 & 2.

Now, you may get idea that; mother of Muhammad, Amina is the cousin of Hamza's mother Hala. And Hamza's father is the grand father of Muhammad.

Hamza was not only uncle of Muhammad but also foster brother of Muhammad; i.e same women breast feeded them.

Now we will look at the Marriage of fathers of Muhammad and Hamza.

Did you noticed that Muhammad's claimed father Abdullah and his father Abdul Muttalib marry cosuins Hala and Amina in same day.

Hamza was born first from Abdul Muttalib and Hala.

And it is claimed that Abdulla lived with Amina for just 3 days and he is send to far away place for provision where he died.

We will see that too...

Also read the History of al-Tabari vol-6 p-7 to know the desire of Abdulla to have sex with other women even after his "Nikah" with Aminah.

Did you notice that...?

After their "nikah"; Abdullah stayed with Aminah for just 3 days and he was send to distant place where he died.

Hamza born after Abdullah died according to Ibn Sa'd volume 1 page 94 translated by Mouinul Haq since Adbullah lived maximum of 3 months after his "Nikah" with Aminah.

Note that Hamza atleast is 4 years older than Muhammad. 

If Muhammad is the son of Abdullah, How is it possible for the foetus be in Aminah's belly for 4 years. 

To solve this, scholars of Islam taught that pregnancy can last for years which I have mentioned earlier.

Notice the word "children".

In Ibn Sa'd volume 1 page 111 translated by Mouinul Haq of the same book it compared Muhammad to a lamb.

How is she able to have so many children if Muhammad's father was the first and only guy to have her? Since Abdullah only lived a very few months with Aminah.

This is also mentioned in other books.

Now we will see a hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 2375

In this hadith Hamza  tells muhammad in angry that muhmmad is not from his family but from a slave. 

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