Khaula bint Hakim

Presenting themselves to Muhammad by women for Sex is allowed in Islam. 

That can be seen in Quran 33:50

This verse specifically addresses the permissibility with whom Muhammad could have sexual relations, rather than discussing those whom he is permitted to marry. The list already contains the list of his wives. And to that list, Allah is allowing other women (not from the wives) to have sexual relation with him.

But in this post we will see a particular women named Khaula bint Hakim one of the aunt of the Muhammad.

From Musnad Ahmad 23317, (also from we get to know that Khawla bint Hakeem Al-Salamiyah ( Ø®َÙˆْÙ„َØ©َ بِÙ†ْتَ Ø­َÙƒِيمٍ السُّÙ„َÙ…ِÙŠَّØ©َ ) is one of the aunts of the Prophet Muhammad.

The arabic version of the hadith mentioned below highlighting Khawla bint Hakeem Al-Salamiyah:

Now, when go to the Sahih al-Bukhari 5113

From this hadith, you see the same women who is the aunt of the Muhammad presented herself for muhmmad [for sex] (not marriage, it is not mentioned in arabic).

Now will read a quranic verse Q33:51

Now we will see the background of this in a hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 4788

You can clearly see Aisha insulted the custom of Muhammad taking women for sex if the women present herself to Muhammad.

That is when the ayah from Allah revealed to Muhammad. How convenient!?

And Muhammad turn away the offer of Khaula bint Hakim TEMPORARILY due to pressure from Aisha. So he may or maynot have done with her in the future. But this clearly shows the heart of the Muhammad. Aisha was required for Muhammad to set aside this evil custom atleast for temporarily.

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